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NZ Plants

Coprosma spathulata

Family name: Rubiaceae

Coprosma spathulata is a shrub with erect and slender stiffly hairy branches bearing spoon-shaped (spathulate) leaves with prominently winged stalks. Stipules (appendages at the base of leaf stalks) are narrow-triangular with hairs and gland (denticle). Pits (domatia) are found on the lower surface of leaves where lateral veins join the midrib.
An endemic species found in lowland forest of the central North Island..

Vegetative characteristics

Reproductive characteristics

Plant form: shrub up to 3 m

Flower symmetry: symmetric


Flower size: 2-3 mm diam.

Leaf form: undivided, spoon-shaped (spathulate)

Sepals: 4-5

Leaf size: 8-15 x 8-15 mm

Petals: 4- 5, green, purple

Leaf arrangement: in opposite pairs along the stem

Sexuality: unisexual on different plants

Leaf attachment: stipules

Stamens: 4-5

Leaf margin: smooth

Ovary: below petals

Leaf surface: hairless with pores (domatia) on lower surface

Fruit: fleshy, dark orange, red, purple