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NZ Plants
Ricciocarpus natans
Family: Ricciaceae
Floating plants with duckweed (Lemna minor)
L Jensen
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Plant consisting of a floating thallus with scales attached to the ventral surface
L Jensen
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Detail of ventral scales
L Jensen
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Thallus , dorsal surface with median grove
L Jensen
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Dorsal surface, with outline of underlying air cavities
L Jensen
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Thallus cross section, air cavities and ventral scales
L Jensen
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Ricciocarpus natans is a small floating liverwort. The heart shaped thallus is about 8 x 10 mm, with a median grove that branches dichotomously (branches are in pairs). Air cavities are present within the thallus which provide boyancy and 10 mm long scales with toothed margins are suspended from the ventral surface.
World-wide, in fresh water.